Iron concentrations in a rivulet that feeds the Woronora Reservoir have doubled since the expansion of the Metropolitan Colliery, to levels which exceed Australian Drinking Water Guidelines by 30 per cent, a study has found.
Until an independent investigation into its impact on Sydney's water supply has been done, a member of the mine's community consultative committee wants the state government to halt operations.
Once these so-called iron springs are started, they can take decades to stop
''The mine expansion approval conditions clearly state that there should be no more than a negligible reduction in water quality and quantity,'' said Dr Peter Turner, the National Parks Association-nominated committee member who reviewed the mine's 2012 annual report.
Peabody Energy, which owns the subsidiary that operates Metropolitan Colliery, denied the mine - about 30 kilometres north of Wollongong - had breached approval conditions.
''No performance measures have been exceeded and iron concentrations in Waratah Rivulet are below project approval requirements,'' a spokeswoman said.
Dr Turner also highlighted an attempt by the mine to shift the baseline period used to gauge water quality from May 2010 to the next phase of longwall operations due to start in early 2014.
''The change would mean the contamination increase caused by the first phase of the mine expansion when the water quality had already been compromised would become the new normal'', Dr Turner said.
''It's not what you'd expect from a major multinational mining company.''
The Peabody spokeswoman said the baseline change was ''to ensure consolidation of reporting''.
A spokesman for the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, which set the mine's conditions, said Peabody had been told its bid to alter the baseline was ''inappropriate''.
The department will consider all ''relevant information'' before finalising its review of the mine's draft plan to extend its longwall operations, he said.
It also noted the company had commissioned a peer review of the reported breaches and was also preparing its 2013 annual review.
Longwall mining involves giant machines that shear coal from the seam causing the rock above to collapse behind the machine as it moves forward.
Dr Turner said the contamination of surface waters by underground mining was commonplace in Sydney's drinking water catchment. Coal extraction results in subsidence which cause cracks in the bedrock of rivers and streams. Water then passes through these fractures, leaching out minerals that end up in streams and reservoirs.
''Once these so-called iron springs are started, they can take decades to stop,'' Dr Turner said.
“The underground mines in Sydney’s water catchment can be located from the air because of their impacts on rivers and streams.”
One difficultly in assessing the mine’s impact on water quality is that the company altered its reporting period so that the annual review will be extended to include August-December 2012 as well as calendar year 2013. Peabody was unable to supply interim data for the year to August.
One difficultly in assessing the mine’s impact on water quality is that the company altered its reporting period so that the annual review will be extended to include August-December 2012 as well as calendar year 2013. Peabody was unable to supply interim data for the year to August.