
pumping system and be of low cost

The technology:Water, Because it's so often hard to come by without the application of a considerable amount of electric power, those of us living off the power grid seem to have a preoccupation with it. Generally, we either carry water home from town in a big tank lashed into the bed of a one-ton pickup, use a fossil-fuel-guzzling generator to run a power-hungry AC (alternating current) well pump, or we simply beef up our solar arrays and improve our inverters to handle the load imposed by the ravenous well pump. 1. Run independently from the house system. 2. Work without batteries, since batteries, convenient though they may be for storing power, are expensive, require maintenance, and have a short lifespan compared to the solar panels that keep them charged. Most importantly, batteries introduce an extra degree of inefficiency into a system. 3. Operate on DC power, and would thus not require an expensive inverter and an additional loss in efficiency. This type is probably the most common type of solar pump used for village water supply. The advantages of this configuration are that it is easy to install, often with lay-flat flexible pipe work and the motor pump set is submerged away from potential damage.

Solar Water Pumping System has a long history; so many methods have been developed to pump water with a minimum of attempt. These have utilized a variety of power sources, namely human energy, animal power, hydro power, wind, solar and fossil fuels for small generators. A solar irrigation system needs to take account of the fact that demand for irrigation water will vary throughout the year. Peak demand during the irrigation seasons is often more than twice the average demand. This means that solar pumps for irrigation are under-utilized for most of the year. Attention should be paid to the system of water distribution and application to the crops. The system should minimize water losses, without imposing significant additional head on the pumping system and be of low cost.

Of the three, I prefer the option that doesn't require me to fire up an internal combustion engine--either the one in my temperamental '72 Chevy 4 x 4, or the one that runs my quiet and compliant 6.5 kW Honda generator. Pumping water from a deep (540-foot, in our case) well with no other input than sunlight and wind is quiet, automatic, and esthetically pleasing. This solar water pumping system has been in service for over a year with zero maintenance. It supplies water from a shallow spring to our house, and is sufficient for a family of 4, plus dogs, cats and plants. Many principles of good system design were incorporated--the system has been a real time saver for our family. Previously, we filled our cistern with garden hose and a gasoline-powered pump!

The reciprocating positive displacement pump (often known as the jack or nodding donkey) is very suitable for high head, low flow applications. The output is proportional to the speed of the pump. At high heads the frictional forces are low compared to the hydrostatic forces often making positive displacement pumps more efficient than centrifugal pumps for this situation. Reciprocating positive displacement pumps create a cyclic load on the motor which, for efficient operation, needs to be balanced. Hence, the above ground components of the solar pump are often heavy and robust, and power controllers for impedance matching often used.

