HKND Group recently announced that it has engaged two leading global firms to provide specialized advice and expertise as the company continues its work on the technical feasibility study and route determination.
The firms include:
• SBE, a Belgium-based, civil engineering firm that specializes in lock and canal hydraulics, including feasibility evaluation and conceptual and detailed design. SBE was responsible for the reference design of the locks for the Panama Canal Expansion, as well as a number of the locks in the port of Antwerp, Belgium and the sea lock in Sevilla, Spain. SBE has been involved in feasibility studies for infrastructure projects in developing countries including the Deep Sea Port in Ghana.
• MEC Mining, an Australia-based engineering consultancy, which provides specialist planning, site management and on-site technical solutions for the strip mining and civil engineering sectors. MEC Mining will advise on the canal excavation design and spoil area design and management, as well as assisting in equipment selection, cost estimation and scheduling.
Representatives of the HKND technical feasibility assessment team are conducting field inspections in Nicaragua over the next three weeks as part of their ongoing work.
They are visiting a number of locations throughout the country as they consider the many technical elements necessary to determine the best route and the right approach to the canal project. The process is expected to continue with visits by team members over the coming months.
“We will fulfill our duties scrupulously, to perform our mission of developing the Nicaraguan and Central American regional economy and improving the future of maritime trade between west and east. All our actions will be guided by the principles of respecting sovereignty, protecting environment, benefiting people and spurring economy and undertaken in the spirit of openness, fairness, integrity and transparency,” stated Wang Jing, HKND Group, Chairman & CEO.